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Some dietary supplements to prevent covid
Research suggests that certain dietary supplement ingredients might improve immune response and reduce symptoms of some respiratory illnesses, like the common cold and flu. Popular supplement ingredients that are thought to support immune health include vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, curcumin, echinacea, and probiotics. During the COVID-19 pandemic, sales of these supplements increased despite the lack of reliable evidence that they are effective at preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection or reducing COVID-19 disease severity. Here are four dietary supplements with great benefits
Curcumin the phytoconstituent of Curcuma longa, can be a potential treatment for COVID-19 because various findings suggest its therapeutic properties like antioxidant, antiemetic, antifatigue effects which can potentially manage symptoms and signs of COVID-19, also it has antiviral properties such as impeding the viral binding to host cell as well as replication. It has restrictive actions on viral protease as well and having inhibitory actions on pro-inflammatory cytokine molecules. Broncho dilatory effects of curcumin as well as suppression of cough via acting on bradykinin thus curcumin can alleviate symptoms such as cough in COVID-19 sufferers. Curcumin also has preventive actionson Cardiovascular and renal damage due to COVID-19.
Quercetin had been scientifically proved to have the following functionalities: anti-inflammatory property, boost the Immune system, supports cardiovascular health. And, based on circumstantial scientific evidence and preliminary clinical data, the flavonoid quercetin can ameliorate comorbid conditions (COPD, diabetes, obesity, coagulopathy, hypertension, and aging), which increase disease severity and mortality in COVID-19 patients
Vitamin D has immunomodulatory functions and plays an anti-inflammatory role, particularly in viral infections. It might just be able to prevent, cure and treat COVID-19, despite the warning boxes on every supplement label per DSHEA saying supplements cannot “prevent, cure of treat” any disease. It is fairly unassailable at this point that vitamin D intake leads to improved outcomes, and higher baseline blood levels of vitamin D leads to better outcomes. In one study, 82.2% of hospitalized COVID patients had a vitamin D deficiency.
If you live with a condition like osteoarthritis or depression, you may already know how it can affect other aspects of your health, contributing to issues like weight gain, difficulty sleeping, and chronic pain. One remedy said to ease depression, arthritis, and liver disease is the supplement SAMe, also known as ademetionine or S-adenosylmethionine. The current epidemic has caused many people to be very anxious and stressed, and SAMe can help them relieve their emotions very well.
It's time to introduce our products to you now:
1. Curcumin
a: SmartHerb™ Curcumin 95% Extract DC (Natural)
b: SmartHerb™ Curcumin 95% Extract Powder
2. Quercetin
a: Quercetin Dihydrate 95% HPLC
b: Quercetin Dihydrate 95% HPLC
3. Vitamin D3
a. Vitamin D3 1 million IU/g Oil
b. Vitamin D3 100,000 IU/G CWS
c. Vitamin D3 500,000IU/G
SAMe is in the new release, so stay tuned
Here is link for browsing: Improve immunity,covid prevention
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Note: Some parts of the article are cited in National Library of Medicine World Health Organization.