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Animal and Pet Nutrition
Milk Thistle Extract
Milk thistle can protect liver tissue from damage and support the function of the liver
Mycotoxins, specifically aflatoxin B1 always appear in grains , such as corn, one of the major staple ingredients in animal diets worldwide. Poultry, pig and ruminants are easy to cause significant liver damage and loss of performance once exposure to mycotoxins.
Milk thistle seeds contain a mixture of flavonolignans known as silymarin and can help in reducing liver damage when animals get in contact with mycotoxin contaminated feed.
Milk thistle extract also can be used in the feed of horses. Active ingredient silybin in the milk thistle increases antioxidant effect in the horses.
Get a better choice of food for your pet
I4U provide you with high quality milk thistle extract, our partner in China specialize in producing pet food. Manufacturer has GMP+ and FAMI-QS certificate which is a certification standard for companies in the global feed industry chain.
Spirulina Powder
Superfood for Pet & Human
Spirulina is a natural algae rich in protein, B vitamins, and essential fatty acids. Spirulina contains between 60% and 70% protein which is the highest among all the animals and plants. It is:
> 1.3 times that of soybean
> 3.1 times that of egg
> 7 times that of pork
Spirulina also contains various trace minerals, is about 4x more calcium than milk and 20x more iron than spinach. Spirulina contains high levels of essential fatty acids, particularly GLA which can reduce cholesterol and with anti-inflammatory properties.
Spirulina as feed
Chicken Research show that Spirulina can lower cholesterol content of eggs because of it’s high content of PUFA. Egg yolk color has also been found to intensify linearly with increased dietary Spirulina levels. |
Pig Research show that pigs fed Spirulina had higher growth rates compared to the control group and can improve bull sperm quality. |
Ruminants Trials using diary cows found that cows receiving dietary Spirulina had a 21% increase in their milk production and bull sperm quality has improved. |
Benefits of Spirulina
> Prevent allergy symptoms
> Improve digestion and gastrointestinal health
> Boost Immune System
> Improve fur more shiny and healthy
Stevia Extract
Palatability Formula
Stevia as natural sweetness is safe and accepted by customers. The palatability formula improves the taste and helps the animals take more feed, thereby achieving a good feed conversion rate.
TruGro® SW feed additive formulated with plant-based sweeteners, naturally stimulates piglet feed intake to promote gut maturation, health and growth. 42 days piglet test show that Stevia extract increases feed intake in weanling animals. |
I4U cooperates with Layn focus on pet and animal nutrition. |
All TruGroⓇ natural ingredient solutions are functionally validated. |
Green Tea extract
Tea polyphenols
An unspecified, petfood database shows that green-tea extract was declared as ingredient by almost 10% of the dry dog and cat foods. Green tea contains many plant chemicals with important medicinal properties. For example,
> Tea polyphenols
> Catechin
Researchers report that the polyphenols in tea have a positive effect on the health of dogs.
> Antioxidant
> Antimicrobial properties
> Boost immune system
According to a report published in the Journal RSC Advances, after 12 week feed with food contained tea extract, their blood and feces showed high levels of antioxidants and low Coliform bacteria compared to the control group indicating a reduced number of pathogens in their food.
Lead researcher Fang Zhong said the study demonstrated “that a concentration of 50% tea polyphenols added to the dry dog food can significantly increase the palatability, antioxidant capacity and antibacterial activity of dry dog food.”
50% Tea polyphenols
More pet food/feed you may need
Joint Care > Chondroitin Sulphate > Glucosamine 2KCL/HCL > MSM > Turmeric Root Extract > Vitamin D3 |
Immunity System > Vitamin C > Vitamin E > D-panthenol (B5) > D-BIOTIN > Grape seed extract > L-Cysteine HCL Monohydrate |
Nutrition Supplement > Pea Protein > Rice Protein |